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3D bioprinter BioAssemblyBot 400, Advanced Solutions


BioAssemblyBot 400 (BAB400) is an intelligent robot used for building three dimensional structures in a controlled manner. Possible to automate simple workflows.

BAB400 has a six-axis robotic arm which is advantageous in mimicking a human arm to bioprint, pick up biology, and complete complex assays.

Hydrogel based inks and bioinks, as well as thermoplastics can be 3D printed using BAB400.

With BAB400 combined cells, growth factors, and/or biomaterials can be used to fabricate constructs via a pneumatic and mechanical, syringe-based dispensing system.

BioAssemblyBot 400 swaps "hands" (tools) giving users the ability to 3D bioprint while controlling temperature, pressure, UV exposure, and more. With BAB400, you can use up to 8 BioAssemblyBot hands in a single run.

Interchangeable tools:

3/5/10/30 ml pneumatic dispense

3/5/10 ml mechanical dispense

Pipetting from 1 micro liter to 1000 micro liters.

Up to 200 °C pneumatic dispense

Targeted 365 nm UV curing with pneumatic dispensing

Tool with ability to pick up, move and place standard well plates within the workstation.

Tool that can perform 3D scanning of complex contours, convert the scanned data into a 3D model


6-axis robotic arm

3D printing technology: pneumatic or mechanical

Build volume: 30.5 cm (L) x 25.4 cm (W) x 17.8 cm (H

UV curing: 365 nm

Hot dispense: up to 200 °C

Stage temperature: 10 to 60 °C

Clean room ready enclosure

Adaptive tip detection

HEPA filtration (99.97% of particles to 0.3 µm)

TSIM® Software

BioApps™ Software

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BBCE project´s main objective is to establish a joint Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence for advanced biomaterials development based on the long-term strategic cooperation between AO Research Institute Davos, Switzerland (ARI) and Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (FAU) on the one hand and RTU RBIDC, LIOS, RSU and RSU IS on the other hand.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857287