RISEus2 Summer School 2022
Event date: 21-03-2022
From laboratory to the market of medical devices
21-25 March 2022, ENSIACET – Toulouse (France)
We are very pleased to invite you to the summer school entilted From laboratory to the market of medical devices which will be held at Toulouse INP-ENSIACET in Toulouse (France). This summer school will focus on technology transfer, standardization, production scale-up, regulatory issues, qualifications and risks analysis and entrepreneurship in the field of medical devices and tools for career progress. It will also help participants to develop innovation and business skills needed to successfully bring to market the product of their research (ways of assessing an innovative idea, intellectual property protection and exploitation, funding opportunities and networking skills). Eleven invited speakers from institutions and companies will share their knowledge, experience and expertise, giving several points of vue to the participants on this topic.
Contact: Christèle COMBES for the organizing committee, Professor at Toulouse INP – CIRIMAT christele.combes@ensiacet.fr
Invited speakers:
Habib BELAID (PhD, Postdoc researcher), Institut Européen des Membranes, Montpellier (France)
Laurence CALMELS-LAVERGNE, (Entrepreneurship & business development director), Toulouse Tech Transfer (SATT TTT), Toulouse (France)
Séverine CAMY (Professor, Toulouse INP), Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Toulouse (France)
Carole CESAR, (PI & legal director), Toulouse Tech Transfer (SATT TTT), Toulouse (France)
Jean Stéphane CONDORET (Professor, Toulouse INP), Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Toulouse (France)
Florence BARRERE-de GROOT (PhD, Head of Development), Kuros Biosciences, (The Netherlands)
David GROSSIN (PhD, Assistant professor Toulouse INP), CIRIMAT, Toulouse (France)
Anthony MACON (PhD, Interventional Surgical Research Supervisor), NAMSA, Chasse sur Rhône (France)
Fabien MARCQ (PhD, R&D manager), Teknimed SA, L’Union (France)
Jean Marie RIGAUD, (Services & academic relationships director), Toulouse Tech Transfer (SATT TTT), Toulouse (France)
Aliassghar TOFIGHI (PhD, President and CSO), Innovoss Inc., Boston, USA
Tourist office: https://www.toulouse-visit.com/
Youth hostels in Toulouse: Toulouse | Auberges de Jeunesse | AubergesDeJeunesse.com ®
Several hotels are close to the campus:
- https://hotel-ariane-toulouse.fr/
- https://toulouse-sud-labege-innopole.campanile.com/fr-fr/
- https://www.theoriginalshotels.com/hotels/innostar-toulouse
- https://www.appartcity.com/fr/destinations/midi-pyrenees/labege/toulouse-labege.html
- https://www.theoriginalshotels.com/hotels/toulouse-sud-le-sextant
and many others…
Several hotels are close to Ramonville metro station (Parc Technologique du Canal):
Formule 1 hotel, Lidotel hotel,..
Public transportation
Tisséo public transportation: https://www.tisseo.fr/en
Four scholarships of 1000 euros each (travel and accommodation order) will be attributed to four applicants who will participate to this summer school.
How to apply for a scholarship? Please send to christele.combes@ensiacet.fr your short CV (1- or 2-pages CV) and a letter of motivation specifying your research area and your interest in the topic of the summer school.
We will notify the applicants about the result of the selection the 4th of March 2022 at the latest.
Deadline for application: 28th of February 2022 at 19:00 (Central Europe Time)
Venue: ENSIACET, 4, allée Emile Monso, 31030 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France
How to come? https://www.ensiacet.fr/en/life-on-campus/everyday-life/transport.html
GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 43.5546599
Longitude: 1.5002775000000383