RISEus2 Summer school in Frankfurt/Main
Event date: 26-06-2023
The RISEus2 team is very pleased to invite you to the summer school on "How to establish in vivo experiments" which will be held on site at the partner institution Goethe University Frankfurt/Main from June 26th until 30th, 2023.
In the 5-days school participants will get an overview of different kinds of in vivo research models and most importantly the relevant restrictions and obstacles in planning and performing experiments in living organisms. By actively theoretical planning of own in vivo experiments based on their own projects, participants will learn to take ethical and regulatory into account and will learn to judge if and when an experimental setup including live animals or even patients is useful and justified. Lectures will be held by experienced scientist and medical experts sharing their experience with the participants. The summer school is designed for students who have previous experience with academic research.
Dr. Eva Dohle: eva.dohle@kgu.de ;
Dr. Anja Heselich: anja.heselich@kgu.de
The summer school will take place at the University Clinics of the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7,
60590 Frankfurt/Main,
Acknowledgment: This project has received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 952347.
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Prof. Dr. mult. Shahram Ghanaati (GUF)
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Prof. Dr. mult. Robert Sader (GUF)
Prof. Dr. Paul Layer (em. TUD)
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Dr. Francesco Bennardo (Italy)
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Dr. Eva Dohle (GUF)
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Dr. Sarah Al-Maawi (GUF)
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Dr. Anja Heselich (GUF)
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Ms. Louisa Boyo (Dentist, graduate student)
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Ms. Lena Schmeinck (Dentist, graduate student)
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Ms. Kamelia Parkhoo (Dentist, graduate student)
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Ms. Loverna Lachimanen

Travel Guidelines:
The school will take place at University Clinics of the Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt/Main. The university clinics are easily reached via public transport from the main station and the city center as well. Form the main station Tram line 12 and 21 are direct connections to the University Clinics. To organize your movements in Frankfurt we recommend to use the app of the local public transport „RMV“.
The weather in Frankfurt/Main in June is generally warm with temperatures of 20°C and above. Normally it is mostly sunny at this time of the year but it is never a bad idea to bring take your umbrella with you.
The nearest airport is Frankfurt/Main Airport (FRA, about 15 km from the University Clinics away). The best way to travel from Frankfurt/Main airport to the City Center and/or the University Clinics is by public transport. There are several direct lines (bus, subway, etc.) going multiple times a day to the main station or the city center. From there you will find connections via Tram to the University Clinics.
Hotel suggestions
Frankfurt/Main is a huge international city and destination for tourist and business travelers with many accommodation options. Prices can vary depending on bigger events happening in and around Frankfurt. So we highly recommend to look for accommodations via all the usual booking apps and websites.
Local transportation
The local transport authority of Frankfurt/Main, „RMV“ (https://www.rmv.de/c/de/start/) sells individual tickets and day tickets (both available at the ticket stations along the Tram track, or online via App), and various long-term tickets.
3 scholarships covering for travel and accommodation up to 1000* EUR per participant.
How to apply for a scholarship? Please send to FORM-lab-MKPG@kgu.de your short CV (1- or 2-pages CV) and a letter of motivation specifying your research area and your interest in the topic of the summer school.
*Scholarship owners need to send their bills for travel and accommodation and with this our administration will then reimburse the total amount up to 1.000 EUR to their bank account.
Deadline for application: May 26th, 2023
We will notify the applicants about the result of the selection by June 1st.
Contact us:
Dr. Eva Dohle:
Dr. Anja Heselich: